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What is The Emotion Code®?

The Emotion Code is energy healing that helps you release unwanted negative emotions and feel lighter physically and emotionally.

This is pretty unique because it is a mixture of Science and energy work. 

Have you said “I tried everything but nothing worked!”

The Emotion Code might be able to help you get rid of the root cause of physical and/or mental issues or mental blocks to achieve your goals or overcome your fear etc.

Image by Mohamed Nohassi
How does it work?

Basically only 3 steps to do.

  1. I will ask your subconscious mind a question that can be answered 

by Yes or No and find a trapped emotion by muscle testing/ kinesiology.

  2. Get more information about the emotion if necessary.

  3. Release the emotion.

How does a session go?

You don't have to do much. I will do most of the work. You just tell me what you want to work on and watch me find out about your trapped emotions.

I may ask you about what happened or what you remember about the emotions occasionally, but you don't have to tell me the stories.

Telling me your stories are optional. I can ask your subconscious mind if this is it that popped in your head. You don't need to talk about what happened or feel the negative emotions all over again. Once your subconscious mind says "Yes!" to release it, we will release it together and it will be gone forever!

What is it good for?

Some people may feel lighter on their shoulders or chest, some people may have less discomfort in their bodies. Some people may have more energy for studying, chores and work.

By getting rid of negative emotions, ‘unbearable memories’ may become more like ‘histories’ of who you are. Therefore, you may be able to move on and live your life, you may have courage to challenge things you didn’t even dream of, or incredible opportunities may come to you.

Image by NASA
Who invented this?

This energy healing was discovered in the 1990’s by Dr. Bradley Nelson who was a Holistic Doctor in the US.  

Dr. Nelson published the book “The Emotion Code” in 2007. It was translated to Japanese and published In Japan in 2020.
As of 2021, there are more than 5000 certified practitioners in 78 countries all over the world. 

Full story about Dr. Nelson and The Emotion Code is here.

Wanna know my story?

I tried a lot of methods and healing to be “better” whatever I was suffering from but nothing really got me a lightning bolt like “This is it!”

I have been experiencing migraines over a decade and trying to find out and get rid of the root cause so that I don’t have to suffer from the pain every month. I tried everything like everyone else who has migraines. A doctor could  just prescribe me expensive pills that I have to keep taking. At the same time, I started to feel that something is not right about working for money. Life is more than that. Yet my life goes on and  I have no idea what to do, what I can do to change that. 

And one day, I found The Emotion Code. Or I should say The Emotion Code found me.

I instantly knew  “This is it! This is what I want to do!” This is what I have been looking for. The method to find and get rid of the root cause of whatever I don't need. Releasing unnecessary trapped emotions that are causing troubles not only physically but also mentally and spiritually helps your body and mind lighter. 

And here I am! A few months later I found The Emotion Code, I became a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner to help myself, friends, family and YOU!

  • I am NOT a psychic. I can't read your mind.

  • I am NOT a therapist or psychologist. I can listen but can't solve your problems.

  • I am NOT a doctor. I can’t diagnose or cure any diseases. 


Physically felt more at ease

I really enjoyed our sessions, was intriguing to try something new and experience a physical relief of pain in my body from working some emotional release! Thank you!


Tell me how your experience was about The Emotion Code with Ryoko. 

I won't share your story with anyone unless you give me a permission to do so. 

Thank you and I can't wait to hear from you!

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